
Look Back: Citizens bands entertain region

Five Jones’ Organized Unit Which Is Now Citizens Band. Ed, William, Jim, John and Elmer, Along With Musicians Are Founders.

By Nola Stone

The five Jones’ boys organized a community band in [what is now] South Parkersburg in 1885. They had as director, Charles Anderson, who was an ex-mail carrier and the organization was known as the Lauckport Band. The Lauckport Band played for the fairs, when the City park was a fairground and the large lily lake was a bicycle racing track, and their concerts were very popular among the crowds. That band has weathered various difficulties, changes in names and leaders, but had survived and prospered; today [1940], standing as an important Parkersburg institution.

Among the earliest members were Herbert Davis, Everett Fortner, Herman Taylor, Walter Newland and Frank Tredway, the latter of whom tells us most of those original members have since died, but with their band, they did much to foster the musical culture of Parkersburg — as the Lauckport band was the foundation of today’s Sunday concerts in the City park by the Citizens Band.

Met Difficulties

During the latter 1800s the band ran into difficulties as to finance, (for they were unsponsored and unpaid), so a local merchant, Henry Keller, owner of the Henry Keller West Virginia Clothing House, then located where Stern Brothers now is, offered to lend the group money for new instruments and new uniforms if the band would take the name, “Henry Keller’s Clothing House Band.” Henry Keller’s proposition was taken and the name was changed. After three years the title was condensed, leaving it as simply “The Keller Band.”

In 1895 a complete reorganization of the band took place and the group became the Citizens Band, which it has remained. Gus Arnold was the director for the new band. Concerts were given every Sunday.

During the summer they were held in the old pavilion in the City park, and in the winter season programs of sacred music were played in the old Camden Theater. John C. Arnold, Gus Arnold’s father, was director for about three years, when August Haase, a famous and accomplished musician, came to Parkersburg and took the position as the band’s head. Haase had been John Philip Sousa’s assistant at the World’s Fair. Haase directed for three years, without pay. According to some local persons who have followed the band’s progress throughout, “it was music at its best under Haase.” After leaving Parkersburg he returned to New York and later served as band director in the Philippines.

Shumway Next Director

Frank Shumway, from Lansing, Michigan, was the next director, taking the post in 1903. Shumway continued as leader until 1914, maintaining a very good band of about 25 members. He was the first director, and only member of the group at that time, receiving pay. It was in 1914 that Frank Tredway became director of the band. He had been a member, playing a slide trombone since nearly the date of the band’s beginning.

Tredway made a drive among local business establishments to raise a subscription to pay the members.

The last concert directed by Frank Tredway was in 1932. James S. Anderson was next, then A.C. Marshall succeeded him, and in 1939 Paul Starr was elected by the band as director and is still keeping up the fine service.

Mr. Tredway says musicians, one-time members of Parkersburg’s band, are scattered all over the United States. He often hears from old colleagues now in Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Louisiana, New York, Huntington and Miami. Today [1940] the band is made up of high school musicians who have graduated from high school bands within the ten or twelve years.

Mr. Tredway, still connected with the band he helped to build, is now manager of the organization, and he believes that a true musician can never get very far away from the love of music.

The Parkersburg News

Sept. 1, 1940


Bob Enoch is president of the Wood County Historical and Preservation Society. If you have comments or questions about Look Back items, please contact him at: roberteenoch@gmail.com, or by mail at WCHPS, PO Box 565, Parkersburg, WV 26102.

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