
Harris is not one of us

Letter to the Editor (Graphic Illustration/MetroCreative)

Kamala Harris said “my background is in law enforcement.” She was a prosecutor, which means she did the paperwork while police officers, not her, did the dangerous, hard work of capturing criminals. Also, for her to say that her Glock is in a secure place in her home means no one is going to get shot if they break into her home. Normal people realize that unless a firearm is loaded, one in the chamber and easily although safely accessible, if someone breaks into your home, you do not have time to unlock something to get the pistol, and then unlock something else to get the ammo. You stand a high chance of getting killed yourself by the home invasion people.

Also, just saw a report from her personal physician that says she is in excellent health, and “able to perform the duties of the highest office in the land.” Really, a medical report can predict that? How much did she pay her doctor to say that?

She will say anything, as Bernie Sanders said, to get your vote. If she thinks she is now one of us, gun owners, because she says she owns a gun and will shoot someone trying to break into her home, she is dead wrong. Oh, I forgot, as vice president, she has 24/7 Secret Service protection. When was the last time she went to the range? One time? A long time ago? She will be just like many gun owners in this country who own a gun, perhaps even have taken some training, and then put it away and never shoot it for years. They have forgotten what recoil feels like and are dangerous due to the fact that they think they are tough because they have a gun, but have forgotten what it feels like to shoot it. They are dangerous but are too stupid to realize it.

To become safe in using a firearm, one must use it frequently. Practice makes perfect. Not really perfect, but more proficient and competent than those who never shoot.

We live in a society where violent incidents can and do happen quickly. For a person who owns a gun but never practices; they are only fooling themselves.

She is about as qualified to defend herself at home as she is to be president.

Robert Sadler


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