
Choose the lesser evil

Letter to the Editor (Graphic Illustration/MetroCreative)

I write a lot of letters to the editor. To tell the truth there are so many issues that intrigue/irritate me that I have trouble deciding this week.

With the election for president coming up soon, I am distressed that so many people do not understand the differences between what the Democrat party believes versus what the Republican party believes. Do not get me wrong, both parties are chock-full of flawed people, whom it seems only want power, money and control of the rest of us. Members of both parties need Jesus Christ as Lord of their life.

The Democrats are a free spending group. They never saw a problem that could not be solved by throwing money at it. They believe that abortion is a women’s choice, to control their body while at the same time controlling the body of their unborn child. Their sense of control is to eliminate the unborn child — it is inconvenient, I am too old, I am too young, I do not have the money to have a baby. Well, the real reason is they lost control of their own body and got pregnant.

A lot of things can happen to end up with that result. But the fact is, they want to place the responsibility for the baby on someone else. Well, people, let me tell you right out — it is the expectant mother and father who are responsible. They did it and they know it. Abortion is absolute murder and they know it and all the liberal defenders of that act know it. Abortion is nothing new. In the Bible, when babies were sacrificed to the Canaanite deity Moloch, it was murder. It is still murder today. Their candidate is a woman who has an unsavory lifestyle and is totally unqualified for the job she seeks.

The Republicans are as bad as the Democrats. While the Republicans believe in controlling the border, believe abortion is wrong and believe in some version of fiscal responsibility (QUIT SPENDING), they are also flawed. The candidate we have is a man who has said he never felt the need to ask God for forgiveness. He has been accused of, been to trial for committing things of which he should be ashamed, but apparently is not. This election is for the lesser of two evils. Make a wise choice.

Robert Sadler


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