
Rebuttal 3 for ‘Trump is the right man’

Letter to the Editor (Graphic Illustration/MetroCreative)

Rebuttal 2 left off with me establishing my expertise protecting classified documents and describing two internet pictures I would use to refute a writer’s conspiracy theory claims.

The first picture describes a bathroom with 30 boxes of documents and a toilet. We know that bathroom doors lock only from the inside. Missing from the pictures was a Secret Service agent sitting on the toilet 24/7/365 reading a novel or Trump’s favorite Playboy magazine with Karen McDougal, hush money girl #1, centerfold.

He could only leave if Trump came to (relieve himself). This is not adequate document security. Pictures of two other rooms with documents were even worse. Did the Secret Service personnel guarding Trump have top secret clearances? What about the Trump employees? One of them could have been a Cuban/Russian spy. The Bedminster Club employed an illegal alien before a journalist outed him after hearing Trump brag about border wall effectiveness. What about Melania, Trump children, guests for tea or parties, etc. Were all of these people vetted for top secret documents? I doubt it. The writer should investigate these items before pushing conspiracy theories, but then he does not have experience with classified documents.

It is common knowledge Trump showed documents with nuclear submarine secrets to an Australian industrialist and other classified documents to a Bedminster Club member. Did these people have the necessary security clearance? What was their need to know? This is just Trump the narcissistic moron, wanting people to know he is more important than they are because he has access to important documents.

The second picture shows approximately seven documents arranged on the floor showing what was found. The FBI came with place markers showing document numbers, etc. from the National Archives Document List that they placed in each box as they found the documents. They found many more documents than expected. Writer missed mentioning another conspiracy theory that documents mentioned in the paragraph above were planted by the FBI. The writer would have to prove the document numbers for the floor items and the National Archives List did not match. I could cite more examples.

People read these things for information, not amusement.

For the classified documents indictment, I maintain Trump is guilty in the court of public opinion.

Gregory Cigal



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