
Red Cross: Your donations can save lives

(Editorial - Graphic Illustration - MetroCreativeConnection)

When the Red Cross of the Ohio River Valley needs our help, it is often in the form of blood donations and filling volunteer opportunities. But tomorrow is Red Cross Giving Day — a chance for us to support this vital organization with financial donations, too.

“This year’s disasters have set a whirlwind pace, displacing thousands of people from their homes across the country and disrupting the nation’s blood supply for patients,” said Erica Mani, chief executive officer for the American Red Cross Central Appalachia Region. “As we enter spring disaster season, families are relying on us to come together as a community and support them when help can’t wait during future crises. Join us today by making a financial donation or giving blood.”

It’s hard to imagine a disaster season worse than what the Red Cross is already helping so many people through: wildfires, severe storms, flooding, mudslides and even home fires that have turned upside down the lives of some families here in the Ohio River Valley. To meet its standards for responding to such crises, the Red Cross needs volunteer help, yes, but money, too.

As always with the Red Cross, there are incentives in addition to simply knowing one has done something good — life-saving, even. There are gifts for those who donate more than $140, for example. (The organization notes a donation of even $3 can pay for a comfort kit that includes necessities for those in need of something as simple as a toothbrush after a disaster.)

Plan tomorrow to head to redcross.org to donate and maybe even claim a gift. While you’re online, don’t forget to go to RedCrossBlood.org to schedule an appointment to give blood, too.

Nationally, in the first 50 days of 2025, the Red Cross responded to more than 50 large disasters. At the same time, those disasters and nasty weather meant reduced blood collection for the group.

They need our help. And given that the Red Cross is always there when the rest of us need them, take a moment tomorrow to show your gratitude. Give money, sign up to give blood … give back.


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