
Zuchowski: Sheriff’s intimidation tactics are irresponsible

Public discourse has devolved to a dangerous degree as we approach another general election in November — that’s not news. But what is noteworthy is the manner in which public officials who SHOULD be held to a higher standard are willing to indulge in frightening rhetoric.

Portage County, Ohio, Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski is entitled to his own opinions, of course. But as the chief law enforcement officer for the county, he must be more responsible than he was on social media late last week.

Imagine living under the jurisdiction of a man willing to publicly declare “I say … write down all the addresses of the people who had her signs in their yards!”

“Her” signs are Harris/Walz campaign signs, which are being displayed by her supporters — just as Trump/Vance signs are being displayed at the homes of his supporters.

No one, regardless of political affiliation should be made to feel afraid to express support of a candidate in this country.

Candidates and elected officials are showing us they are willing to tell vicious lies — even after those lies have been disproved. Seeing this tolerated, some public figures are getting even bolder, suggesting blatant disregard for the First Amendment and encouraging like-minded constituents to take action.

Our country has always stood against — in fact, fought against — governments in which citizens were encouraged to report against their neighbors whose opinions differed from what the state dictated. Protecting opposing political opinions is woven into the fabric of who we are.

While the origins of the phrase are lost to history now, most Americans cherish the idea that “I wholly disapprove of what you say and I will defend to the death your right to say it” is one of our founding values.

Zuchowski and others like him would pull us into the darkness by adjusting it to say “I wholly disapprove of what you say, and I’m going to make sure you fear harassment and punishment for saying it.”

We’re better than that. Our public figures are supposed to be better than that. What a shame so many are proving to us that they are not.

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