
Giving: Secret Christmas is a way to bring cheer

It doesn’t feel like it just yet, but we’ve turned the corner into fall and it is time to start thinking about those rapidly approaching holidays. For many of us, that includes thoughts of working with our local nonprofits to make sure the holiday season is merry and bright for as many people as possible. But we tend to focus on young children when we’re planning our giving and volunteering.

There’s good reason for that, of course, but another important project is the Arc of the Mid-Ohio Valley’s Secret Christmas project. This one is focused on those with intellectual, cognitive or related developmental disabilities who are above the age for assistance from other community programs. They need support for necessities such as clothing, grooming, transportation and other social needs, yes. But there’s a need for something more.

“Many participants live on fixed incomes or may not have family to be able to buy them a Christmas present for the holidays,” said Alexis Ullmann, program and activities coordinator of The Arc. “In the absence of the annual Secret Christmas program, numerous individuals would lack a gift to unwrap on Christmas morning.”

If you are able to help fill that need, volunteers are needed not only for shopping and/or donating, but for wrapping gifts. The focus is on those over the age of 13, all over the region.

“We are really lucky to be part of a community that bands together to make Christmas special for our family, neighbors and friends,” said Arc Executive Director Michelle Curtis. “With the help of the Marietta Welfare League, we are able to serve participants from Washington County, Ohio, for the second year. This truly reflects the Mid-Ohio Valley area.”

Similar to some other local programs, those who want to help can get a wish list, purchase gifts and then bring them to the Arc office. It is another wonderful way to help make sure we are lifting up ALL local residents this holiday season.

The “Wrap Party” for purchased gifts is Dec. 2.

So, though you might not be quite ready to hear holiday music in every store, it IS time to think about how you can make Secret Christmas part of your plan this year. If you wait until the day after Thanksgiving to think about it, it will be nearly too late.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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